Committed to being the world’s first sustainable and inclusive lounge operator, AMAE Lounge is committed on every level to doing its part in making the world a better place for everyone. Our business practices and operations are focused on generating a positive triple impact, contributing to circular economies.
We promote responsible tourism together with our guests and business partners, sharing the message as conscientious travelers.
We established a link with the Faculty of Tourism of the National University of Rosario, so that their students can access pre-professional internships in their area of study and in their own city. This link has been in place for several years and year after year, more and more young people manage to enter the labor market.
The program we have with Fonbec focuses on a donation scheme to the Foundation in each of the places in which AMAE Lounge operates. From this, Fonbec allocates these funds to one beneficiary for each of those places, so that that person can access (or continue) with their tertiary or degree studies. Once their studies have been completed, the person benefiting from the scholarship agrees to carry out a pre-professional internship with AMAE Lounge to also encourage that person’s job placement.
The alliance with Matriarca and Una Tienda Con Propósito seeks to make visible and disseminate the work carried out by local communities in Argentina. For this, at AMAE Lounge we exhibit their works in our rooms and seek to give them visibility through our communication channels. We believe in the work they do and we collaborate so that their products and culture reach more and more people and new audiences, so that they can then market their work at a fair value.
AMAE Lounge is a proud to purchase many goods and services from small community-based businesses who share our vision.
If you’re a small business owner and think your product would work in our lounges, contact us here.
AMAE Lounge is proud to offer “gifts with purpose” for sale at select lounges that support local community projects. All proceeds go back to the community helping to empower people.
You can also purchase gifts online here.
AMAE Lounge is proud to promote #viajerxsconscientes where we encourage our guests to learn more about ways they can generate a positive environmental and social impact when travelling and inspire others to do the same.
AMAE Lounge is proud to be an equal opportunities employer.